Poetry For All
Finding Our Way Into Great Poems
We found 10 episodes of Poetry For All with the tag “surprise”.
Episode 88: Oksana Maksymchuk, Tempo
March 20th, 2025 | Season 6 | 29 mins 12 secs
21st century, free verse, grief and loss, surprise, ukraine, violence, war
Oksana Maksymchuk joins us for a reading and discussion of "Tempo," a poem that explores the how war causes us to "whirl with / planets and stars that coil / around our fragile core."
Episode 69: Live with Marilyn Nelson!
February 11th, 2024 | Season 6 | 55 mins 17 secs
21st century, anger, ars poetica, black history month, children, guest on the show, poet laureate, sonnet, surprise, wonder
Our first live performance of the podcast, featuring Marilyn Nelson and a discussion or her amazing poem "How I Discovered Poetry."
Episode 68: W.S. Merwin, To the New Year
January 18th, 2024 | Season 6 | 22 mins 48 secs
21st century, free verse, hope, nature poetry, new year’s day, ode, poet laureate, spirituality, surprise, winter, wonder
In the first episode of 2024, we read one of the great poets of the past century, W.S. Merwin, and his address to the new year, considering his attentiveness, his style, and his wondrous mood and mode of contemplation and surprise.
Episode 63: Rumi, Colorless, Nameless, Free
August 29th, 2023 | Season 6 | 29 mins 56 secs
13th century, ghazal, guest on the show, islam, joy, poetry in translation, restlessness, rhymed verse, spirituality, surprise, wonder, world poetry
In this episode, poet and translator Haleh Liza Gafori joins us to closely read and discuss a poem by Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī (1207-1273 CE), one of the greatest of all Sufi poets. We discuss the poetic constraints of the ghazal form, Rumi's encounters with the divine, and the significance of his friendship with Shams, a man who transformed his life and poetic practice.
Episode 62: Kobayashi Issa, Haiku
August 11th, 2023 | Season 6 | 17 mins 19 secs
18th century, haiku, joy, poet laureate, poetry in translation, spring, surprise, world poetry
What makes haiku "the perfect poetic form"? This episode reads three wonderful haiku by Kobayashi Issa and explores what makes them so moving and fun.
Episode 61: Ada Limón, "The Raincoat"
May 11th, 2023 | Season 6 | 18 mins 34 secs
21st century, body in pain, children, free verse, gratitude, hispanic heritage month, love, mother's day, poet laureate, surprise, wonder
With her quality of attention and focus on vivid, specific images, Ada Limón brings us to a moment of surprising insight in "The Raincoat."
Episode 35: Matthew Zapruder, Poem for Wisconsin
December 15th, 2021 | Season 3 | 22 mins 56 secs
21st century, free verse, laborers, surprise, winter, wonder
In this episode, we discuss the way in which Matthew Zapruder attends to vivid, specific details to create a sense of wonder, connection, and surprise.
Episode 32: Rick Barot, Cascades 501
November 3rd, 2021 | Season 3 | 38 mins 32 secs
21st century, asian american & pacific islander month, free verse, guest on the show, lgbtqia month, narrative, nature poetry, surprise
Episode 28: Countee Cullen, Yet Do I Marvel
September 29th, 2021 | Season 3 | 24 mins 48 secs
20th century, anger, black history month, christianity, guest on the show, harlem renaissance, rhymed verse, social justice and advocacy, sonnet, surprise
Countee Cullen was a major voice of the Harlem Renaissance. Joined by the renowned cultural critic Gerald Early, we here examine together story of Countee Cullen and the astounding sonnet that opens his main collection of poetry, My Soul's High Song.
Episode 25: William Carlos Williams, "This is Just to Say"
September 8th, 2021 | Season 3 | 18 mins 13 secs
20th century, free verse, modernism, surprise, wonder
In this episode, we discuss a simple, iconic, "sorry-not sorry" poem from the early age of American modernism, which has taken on new life in the age of Twitter and the pandemic.